Stand and Stand Some More

What do you do when you’ve been standing on God’s word for what seems like forever? You stand some more. You stand and stand until you see the promise fulfilled. When you are willing to stand forever, your promise will not seem to tarry. God knows exactly the right timing for everything in your life. He could give it to you early, but you may not receive the full blessing He is promising you. If you trust Him to bring about your desires when the timing is right, you may notice other things in your life working out as well. Things you may not have even realized.

If my husband and I would have had a baby when we wanted to, we would have had less time to get to know each other as husband and wife before bringing kids into our family. We would have had less time to build a stronger marriage. God knew the perfect timing for us. Our kids are the perfect ages for making friends with the kids in our neighborhood. If we would have forced the issue, they may not have the perfect friendships that they have now.

If you are wanting to buy a house, you could just buy the first one you see. Or buy the one that has the perfectly updated kitchen and expertly manicured lawn. You could move in and live happily ever after. But if you wait until God shows you the house HE wants you to buy – even if you don’t think it looks pretty or is in the right neighborhood or has ugly bushes – you may eventually recognize a bigger reason He wants you there. Or there may be a bigger reason He wants you stay where you are for another season. We wanted to buy a house a few years ago and were sad when the one we wanted was purchased by someone else. But we later realized that God wanted us to stay in our current neighborhood for a reason. Since then we have built stronger friendships with our neighbors, been a blessing to some, and some have been a HUGE blessing to us. I don’t know what we would have done in certain situations if we hadn’t been living here.

I’m so thankful my husband and I work together to trust God. Do we get it right every time? No. But God rewards us for trying. And the more we trust Him, the more we know when God is telling us when to move and when to stand still.


  1. So true. God has more control over our lives and really does know what is best for us. I had my two children back to back (13 months apart) and wondered why at the time. A year later I knew the reason. God knew long before I did

    • Yes, He sure does! The more you trust Him and see the “reasons” for things working out the way they do, the easier it is to accept circumstances in the future. Thanks for sharing!!

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